Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dunderhogan #9 - Flying High

Dunderhogan #9 - Flying High

My latest challenge was to create my own fabric and use it in a quilt. I stenciled with Lumiere paint and rubber stamped with paint to create the texture on the bodies and the borders. I used embroidery floss wrapped around those white plastic curtain rings to create the eyes and I used wire for the balloon strings.
It was fun to return to the Dunderhogans again.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dunderhogan #8 - Attack of the Butterflies

Dunderhogan #8 - Attack of the Butterflies

In my art critique group we challenged ourselves to use a panel and create a quilt from it. We all started with batik panels that I had purchased in Bali over 10 years ago. My panel looked something like the picture on the right.
I wanted to do another Dunderhogan since I seem to be on a roll so I put Wonder Under behind the whole panel and cut out the butterflies and the leaves. I backed each piece with a second fabric so that they would be more sturdy when I sewed them to the quilt.
I wove the background again and stuffed the Dunderhogan a little once he was on the quilt top.
Then I sewed the leaves and butterflies down - only partially so that their wings flap. Ilan decided that I should call it attack of the butterflies and I think the Dunderhogan would agree.

Now I am trying to finish a quilt for an SAQA call for entries. I have 16 hours of quilting in it and the embellishment is about to begin. Sadly I can't post it for awhile. Check back later!
This week I also began an Etsy store where I have begun to post some of my patterns. I was surprised at how many I have! You can check them out at

Dunderhogan #7 - Lost in the forest

Dunderhogan #7 - Lost in the forest

My quilting buddies encouraged me to do a 3 dimensional Dunderhogan so I created Lost in the Woods. All of the leaves are two fabrics fused together with Wonder Under and then free hand quilted individually. Then I cut them out and sewed them to the piece.

You can see from the close up that she has 3-D antenna which were created by wrapping florist wire with variegated yarn. I sewed her body to the quilt and then stuffed it to get the dimension I wanted. Her feet and arms are made of felt so they flip up off the quilt too.

Here is a side view so that you can see how dimensional it really is. I seem to be on a roll with these little guys....wonder what I will come up with next?

Dunderhogans 5-6

More Dunderhogans

Two more Dunderhogans to add to the family. This is a close up of "Multiplied". I practiced my free hand quilting on their bellies.
Again I wove the background fabric and used metallic washers fro their eyes.
This Dunderhogan is called Exploded. I began by weaving the background and then decided to leave half of it free and wild.
I am still using puff balls for their bellies.
I am going to LA for a Craft and Hobby Convention so I decided to post early because I won't be around on Sunday. I have another Dunderhogan in the works to reveal next week!

Dunderhogans 1-4

I have been wanting to create a series and over Thanksgiving my son Jordan suggested that I do a whimsical one. We came up with this creature who we named Dunderhogan since my father used to call us that when we did something silly. All the creatures have washers for eyes, stripes on their antenna and fuzzy belly buttons. I wove the backgrounds out of two fabrics before creating the Dunderhogans. I did this series in conjunction with my critque group. We were studying the color wheel so the first one was black and white and he is The Original.

The second Dunderhogan was all green fabric or monochromatic.
I call it "Going Green".

The third Dunderhogan was created using complementary colors and I call him "Check it out". It is amazing how the backgrounds change appearance depending on the value of the fabrics used.

The fourth Dunderhogan was a double-split-complementary color scheme and I really had to think about that one. I plan to do more in this series using other restrictions rather than color. I learned a lot from this exercise and had fun in the process.


Welcome to my blog.
Since I am creating a series of quilts with Dunderhogans as the focus, I thought that it would be appropriate to have a blog just for them. I chose to name my little creatures Dunderhogans because that is the name that my father used to call his children and grandchildren when they did something silly...and the word has stuck.
All of the quilts in this series have certain things in common. The Dunderhogans themselves have fuzzy belly buttons, striped antenna, thread wrapped washers for eyes and no noses. Most backgrounds are made using two different fabrics that are woven together. Some of the Dunderhogans have been made to satisfy requirements for my art quilt group and the early ones were made for the fun of it. The Dunderhogans have become more dimensional as the series has progressed.
When I complete a new piece, I will add it to the blog. They may be few and far between but I have created 8 pieces since I began in you never know when a new one will appear!
Thanks for joining me on this journey.